Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Meghan found a nice older couple who live waaaay down in the boonies in South Jersey, near Carney's Point (that's exit 1 off the Turnpike, BTW) who had a litter of yellow lab puppies a couple of weeks ago. They wanted $500 per dog, so we went and took a peek. When we got there, we found that the puppies were very good looking, and the mother was a saint. She was one of the calmest, most even tempered adult dogs (even for a lab) that I've ever met. She didn't jump or bark, just ran up and wanted to be loved.

The had nine pups...four females and five males. Three of the males were already tagged by their neighbor, who is looking for good gun dogs. These were typically smaller in bone structure, which makes it easier for the dog to move in and out of reeds and brush. We knew we wanted a male, since they're much easier to care for in the long term. Of the two males left, one was huge, the biggest of the litter, and one was much smaller, most likely the runt. We took a look at both of them, and they both had great demeanors. Both were very friendly, although we woke them from a nap, so they were pretty sleepy, and needed a few minutes. Once we got them outside, though, they were very playful and had great attitudes. We chose the larger one, and decided that we're going to name him Seamus. Here are some pictures...

My fiancee Meghan and the little guy...

That's me with little Seamus...

We're going to pick him up next Thursday, after his vet appointment. After we found him, we went to Petsmart and dropped like $200 on a cage, toys, etc. His first vet checkup is going to cost us close to $100...expensive, but he'll be totally worth it!